Saturday, 20 October 2018


A recent study on mice gives further proof that a diet high in omega-3 fats may delay the improvement and spread of breast cancer. Fatty acids stop delayed tumors from shaping and blocked the cancerous cells from spreading to other organs in mice. The analysts speculate that this may be due to the way in which omega-3 fatty acids support the body's immune and anti-inflammatory systems.

Two groups of adult female mice have been fed a liquid diet for which the calorie count and the fat percentage were the same. The striking distinction was that one diet contained plant oils wealthy in omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, and the other diet contained fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids. After some days, the mice were then injected with 4T1 breast cancer cells that cause aggressive tumors to develop within the breast.

It was found the chance that the breast cancer cells would take hold in the breast glands of the adult female mice was significantly lower in those on the omega 3-diet. Tumors took longer to begin developing in these mice, and this had an impact on their size. After 35 days, the tumors detected in their breasts were 50 percent smaller than those that developed within the omega 6-group. 

The probability of the cancerous cells developing and spreading to other organs in the omega-3 group was moreover lower and these mice survived longer than those on the omega-6 diet. In fact a few of the omega-3 fed mice showed up to never develop breast cancer.
More T-cells were found within the tissue of the mice within the omega-3 group than in the omega-6 group, and these connected with dying tumor cells since T-cells are white blood cells that play a part in strengthening the immune system against tumors. The mice fed an omega-3 diet moreover had less inflammation.

According to researchers, this might mean that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps to suppress the type of inflammation that can trigger the quick advancement and spread of tumors as well as advance T-cell reactions to tumors. This does not mean that an omega-3 diet might summarily prevent breast cancer tumors from shaping inside and out.

Studies also showed how eating fish oil-based diets during pregnancy and as a child markedly suppresses the development and spread of breast cancer.

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